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Uncovering and explaining how the value-based care landscape is changing – and changing us.

Apr 23, 2024

The Power Couple of VBC: Actuarial Science + Modern Data Engineering

The relationship between actuarial science and data engineering, the difficulties of integrating them in-house for most healthcare companies, and how Accorded solves this problem.

Apr 4, 2024

Novel Payment Models for Specialty VBC Models with Accorded & Oshi Health

An overview of novel payment models for specialty value-based care during a Health Tech Nerd’s Lunch & Learn. 

Dec 15, 2023

Aligned Marketplace | Building A Shared Savings Model for the Self-Insured Employer Market

Aligned Marketplace provides a membership to a curated network of independent advanced primary care across geographies and under a shared savings arrangement; resulting in significantly increased quality of care, enhanced patient experience, and reduced employer costs by 15%+.

Nov 17, 2023

Elektra Health | Understanding the Cost Impact of the Menopause Care Gap

Elektra empowers women navigating the menopause journey and the decades that follow with an integrative, evidence-based care model. It pairs peer support and MD-vetted education with convenient telemedicine care from board-certified clinicians. Elektra works with top employers and health plans across the US to offer people experiencing menopause the care and support they deserve.

Sep 28, 2023

Novocardia | Taking on Risk with Data-Backed Confidence

Founded in 2020, Novocardia is the value-based care division of Cardiovascular Associates of America (CVAUSA), a comprehensive cardiology practice management services organization working with more than 450 cardiovascular clinicians across sixteen practices in eight states.  These clinicians collectively care for more than 750,000 patients. Novocardia is dedicated to developing and testing value-based care and contracting models and scaling them across the CVAUSA network--accelerating its clinicians’ ability to deliver the right care, in the right place, at the right time, for all Americans with cardiovascular disease.

Aug 24, 2023

Webinar | How Galileo Validates Its Clinical Impact on Total Cost of Care

In a saturated market filled with bold, but often unsupported claims about ROI, how do you differentiate your clinical solution from the rest? In this webinar, Accorded CEO, Frank Cheung and Galileo CCO, Jacob Coniglio, present on how to leverage actuarial intelligence to effectively communicate cost of care savings and sell with more precision and transparency.

Jun 21, 2023

Oshi Health: Actuarial Intelligence for Strong Financial Value

Oshi Health offers high-touch virtual care for digestive conditions, helping people achieve lasting symptom control. It works with employers, insurers, health systems, and community GI practices to scale access to multidisciplinary care, reduce healthcare costs, and improve the lives of millions of Americans with chronic GI diseases.

Apr 11, 2023

Webinar Series | Investing in the Success of Your Benefits Programs

By selecting vendors that drive the most clinical and financial value for your organization, you are investing in the overall success of your benefits programs. In this webinar series, we will answer questions around value-based vendor selection, what it takes to implement alternative payment arrangements, and what a partnership with value-forward vendors can unlock for you.